Monday, 10 May 2010

Kopywrite Konfusion!!

The Muttie woman is really getting on my nerves!

Like, she's been commissioned to write a column for an online-mag and she's stealing all my best blunders, er lines, to put on there. We're at this crisis point, it seems. So I've said to her...all my stuff is copyright ie whatever I do, whatever I meeow, whatever it seems like I'm's prone to legalese.

She's not happy about it, obviously, as she's such a boring individual herself; it is moi who gives her inspiration.

She claims she'll be able to write a column minus my intervention...I doubt it!  I mean, this is what she came up with:

Folks, I rest my Kittie Kase!!

Your Milt,


  1. We think you need a good lawyer!!

  2. Milton!!!!

    You must always enforce your copyright!! Or at least ensure you get some posh cat food out of this deal she's got going!

    Good luck Milton! If she argues, use The Klaw.


    Take care
    p.s. I've bookmarked her column so I'll be scrutinizing any breach of kopyright on your behalf from now, don't you worry!

  3. Old Kitty, I've always revered the Klaw. But I guess you is right. Maybe now, it needs to make itself shown..hee, hee x

  4. Actually she did pretty good for a human!

  5. You'll have to watch that Muttie, she'll be taking over!!

  6. Hello Milton, it's our first time here! Keep an eye on her, human beans cannot be trusted.

  7. Hi Milt Buddy..Ma was saying how good she thought Mutties column was, but she was surprised that you didn't get a mention ..Guess you put your paw down and she knew you meant business!!..Talk later Milt buddy...Bailey & the gang

  8. Worry Not Milt-Buddy!
    We know ..
    One day "The Klaw" shall prevail ... hahahaah

  9. Cats are just as good as dogs, or even a little better!!! Our Happy is as true blue as a cat can be!! She loves her family she picked 12 years ago. We are so happy she picked us!! Love cat just as much as I love dogs!! But I do love all animals!!!!
    XXOO, Fern

  10. Yes, Milton, you have to watch those humans verrrrry carefully!

  11. If she doesn't award you proper attribution, I'd pee on her pillow.

    With a clear conscience.

    No feline jury in the world would convict you.

  12. Only a feline could write all the mews that fit to print. ;)

    Thanks for your visit to my blog today.

  13. Stopped by to say thanks for visiting my blog, and I'm so enchanted by yours, I'm following!

    My own kitty, Spooky, often writes my posts; in fact, she is in the process of penning one right now about the two new puppies which have invaded her home.

    Milton, you're my new favorite blogger!

  14. Thanks for the link - am off to have a look (and you should post here before you tell her anything, that way she won't be able to claim credit).


  15. Milton - we are very pleased to meet you - thanks for dropping by our blog. You need to lay a few rules down for Muttie - if you give her any encouragement she'll get above her station and end up with big ideas that she won't be able to pull off without your esteemed assistance. You need to rule her with a very firm paw. Good luck.

  16. just checking in to see what you are up to, Milt! Hugs, Janine

  17. Bide your time, kitty. Remember, revenge is a dish best served cold ;)


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